Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tea Time

The Great Milk Tea Date finally happened last week, after months (OR YEARS?!) of planning! Terry, Beau, Iya and I, once upon a time, agreed to go hang out one day at Chatime because we all lived within the area... except it never happened until last week, thanks to conflicting schedules.

Before that, however, I dropped by Tin's place (and, before that, Arrneo), where Terry was going to pick us up. Besides this shot of her shoes, there is also...

This. Heel-less shoes. I've always thought shoes like these were cool, albeit nothing special anymore (unless they're glammed up in some magical way) because most heel-less shoes are fashioned in the same style nowadays. Okay fine, they're still special. I still think they provide a wearer that extra needed fierce in an outfit though! I once tried another pair a few months ago and they made me feel like I would topple over any moment. This pair, however, was very stable and actually really comfy. I'm guessing it's the big platform? Tin says it's the ~*~mathematics~*~.

Tin's pair provides a whopping 7 inches in height! Or was it 5 inches? Anyway, TALLER INA IS TALL! Also, you can totes tell how big these shoes are on me. Ina's feet <<<<<<<< Tin's feet

So anyway, milk tea. Chatime. Right.

Oh maaaaan it's been AGES since Iya and I last saw each other! I think the last time was during the 20/20 exhibit at The Collective, and that was... a very long time ago. I am checking my Tumblr archives to see how long ago it was.

2 years. It was 2 years before we finally saw each other again. HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN I CAN'T oh wait, there was that time we just happened to chance upon each other at Shang, but that doesn't count. Good gravy.

And then we (myself, Terry and Tin) were suddenly overcome with overwhelming hunger. "I'm hungry," I said. "Omg me too," concurred Terry. "Demmet now you guys are making me hungry too," grumbled Tin. So we asked Beau to bring us some food, and he arrived with... something from Bacolod, Reese's pieces, and a loaf of bread. Food donations, we feel them. I ate the bread with the Reese's and it was actually pretty good, but it still wasn't enough so Tin and Terry went to the grocery to buy some friendships.

Friendship bought.

If there are Charlie's Angels then there are Beau's Trolls.

There might've been some sensitive information on Ted's ID, so I covered it up with her ID photo instead.

More sensitive information.

Even more sensitive information. Bye.

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